Monosodium Glutamate

Monosodium Glutamate, also known as MSG, is the sodium salt of glutamic acid, one of the most abundantly occurring amino acids.

MSG is obtained by fermentation of starch, sugar cane, sugar beets, or molasses, but it naturally is present in seaweed broth, but also in many vegetables, cheeses, and mushrooms.

Monosodium Glutamate
2350 EUR/MT
Zapytaj o produkt
Aspekty techniczne
Okres przydatności
Polecane produkty

Notowania (cena)

Central Europe (EUR)
3 miesiące
1 rok
3 lata
Prices subject to final confirmation. Indications made for EXW Central Europe.*

Aspekty techniczne

Monosodium Glutamate contains a single amino acid from glutamic acid and is not considered crude protein content. It is insoluble, and not hygroscopic in common organic solvents either. Responds well to processing, as it does not decompose when cooked. In the presence of sugar, it changes its color to brown when high temperatures are also applied.

It is usually available as a monohydrate, a white crystalline powder, odorless and soluble in water.

Physical Chemical Analysis Value
Arsenic Max. 0.5%
Heavy metals Max. 10 ppm
Lead Max. 1 ppm
Chloride Max. 0.2%
Yeast and molds Max. 100 cfu/g
Coliform Negative
Salmonella Negative/25 g
Escherichia coli Negative
Total aerobic bacteria Max. 1000 cfu/g
Foreign matter Negative
pH (2% solution) 6.7 – 7.2
Loss on drying Max. 0.5%
Assay Min. 99.0%
Pobierz specyfikacje

Okres przydatności

The shelf life of Monosodium Glutamate 25 kg is 3 years. Product should be stored in a cool, dry place.


Foodcom supplies its Business Partners with Monosodium Glutamate in 25 kg bags.


Monosodium Glutamate is a profoundly popular product because of its ability to elicit a taste “umami”, considered being the fifth taste. It has therefore found substantial application in the food industry, especially in meats, soups, baked goods, seasonings, and other products to enhance its flavors.

Minimalne zamówienie
1 MT
Wzór chemiczny
Alternatywne nazwy
MSG, sodium glutamate, 2-aminoglutaric acid, sodium salt of glutamic acid, E621.

How to start cooperation with us?

Znaczek "kup teraz"

Buy now

We offer express purchase of the product at the price indicated on our website.

Payment is made after contacting our representative to arrange the details of the order.
We offer two options for delivery – personal collection of the product from our warehouse or commissioning transport.
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Zarezerwuj teraz


We provide the possibility to reserve the product at the price indicated on the website.

After paying 10% of the order value, the product will be reserved for a period of 3 days. After that, the remaining amount must be paid.
You can pick up the purchased product in one of our warehouses or let us organize the transport.
Zapytanie ofertowe

Product inquiry

The inquiry is forwarded to the appropriate trader. Our representative will then contact you to discuss the details of the order.

The payment terms will be determined during the business negotiations.
Convenient transport is organized in cooperation with our logistics department.
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