Whey protein concentrate – a source of protein not only for athletes

mgr inż. Alicja Kapiszka
mgr inż. Alicja Kapiszka
10 min reading
Whey protein concentrate – a source of protein not only for athletes
Table of contents
  • Whey protein concentrates (WPC) are a valuable source of dietary protein.
  • They are characterized by a protein content of 30 to 90%, and contain a high amount of essential amino acids and other nutrients.
  • WPCs are produced from whey formed during cheese production.
  • Protein concentrates are used in the food, pharmaceutical and feed industries, as well as in the production of supplements and nutrition for athletes or people with special dietary needs.

Whey Protein Concentrates (WPC, or Whey Protein Concentrate) is a popular and respected source of protein that is widely used in both the food and supplement industries. Thanks to its properties, WPC has gained recognition among athletes, health-conscious people and food manufacturers. In this article we will take a closer look at what whey protein concentrate is, what types of whey protein concentrate there are, the process of its production and where it is used.

What is whey protein concentrate?

Whey protein concentrate is obtained from whey, a by-product of cheese production. Whey contains a variety of nutrients, including large amounts of protein. Whey protein concentrates are characterized by their high content of just this nutrient, and their popularity is due to the ease of absorption by the body and the high biological value of such protein.

On the market you can find concentrates containing from 30% to 90% protein, which allows the product to be tailored to different consumer needs. The protein in WPC includes a large amount of essential amino acids, such as BCAAs, which are particularly valuable for the human body. In addition to protein, concentrates also contain fats and lactose, which give the product an attractive taste, as well as possible flavor additives.

Types of whey protein concentrates

Depending on their protein content, whey protein concentrates can be divided into several main categories.

WPC 30-35%

Whey Protein Concentrate 35% contains just this amount of protein. Thus, it is a product with a lower content of this nutrient, which is mainly used in the food industry, such as in the production of bakery products or processed foods. WPC 30% concentrate can also be used in the production of feeds and animal foods.

WPC 60%

This is a medium protein concentrate used in a variety of food products. It can be used in the production of protein bars, dairy drinks or dietary supplements.

WPC 75% and WPC 80%

These are the most popular whey protein concentrates. They have a protein content of 75% and 80%, respectively, making them an ideal protein source for athletes and people with active lifestyles. Whey Protein Concentrate 80% is often used as an ingredient in protein supplements for physically active people to help build muscle mass and aid in post-workout recovery.

WPC 90%

This concentrate has the highest protein content – about 90%. It is a highly processed product, which is mainly used in specialized preparations for athletes and in functional foods. WPC 90% is characterized by low fat and carbohydrate content, which makes it ideal for people on restrictive protein diets.

In addition to WPC, there are also such protein concentrates as isolates (WPI) and hydrolysates (WPH), which are produced in a different way and have a higher protein content.

What is the production of WPC?

The production of whey protein concentrates is an advanced process that involves several steps.

The first step is obtaining whey, which is produced by separating the curds from the liquid part of the milk during cheese production. The whey is then filtered and subjected to an ultrafiltration process that separates the proteins from other whey components, such as fats and carbohydrates.

In the ultrafiltration process, whey proteins are concentrated and unwanted components are removed. The concentrated whey is then spray-dried to produce whey protein concentrate powder. Depending on the degree of filtration and further processing, concentrates with different protein content can be obtained.

The production of WPC is carried out on an industrial scale at the plants of companies involved in the processing of milk and dairy products, while the products are distributed by various companies throughout the country. One of the most trusted partners is Foodcom S.A., which supplies whey protein concentrates with different protein contents.

Uses of whey protein concentrates

Whey protein concentrates have a wide range of applications in various industries, and their popularity continues to grow. Here are the main areas in which they are used.

Food industry

WPCs with lower protein content (e.g., WPC 30% or WPC 60%) are used as an ingredient in various food products, such as yogurts, cheeses, baked goods, protein bars and dairy drinks. These concentrates enrich the nutritional value of products, as well as improve their texture and taste. WPC is an excellent and cost-effective substitute for skimmed milk powder.

Pharmaceuticals and functional foods

WPC is also used in the production of functional foods, i.e. products that, in addition to their nutritional value, have beneficial effects on consumers’ health, including supporting the maintenance of muscle mass, healthy teeth and strong bones. Examples include high-protein drinks and desserts.

Due to its nutritional properties and ease of assimilation, WPC is also used in medical preparations and dietary products for sick people who require additional sources of protein, such as during convalescence or for elderly patients.

Dietary supplements for athletes

WPC 80% and WPC 90% concentrates are readily used in dietary supplements dedicated to athletes and physically active people. Thanks to their high protein content and rapid absorption, these concentrates support the process of muscle building and muscle regeneration after intense exercise. Of particular importance is their content of branched-chain amino acids, mainly leucine, which is involved in the formation of muscle proteins.

Animal feeds

WPC with a lower protein content, such as WPC 30%, is also used in the production of animal feeds. The addition of whey protein in feeds helps provide animals with essential amino acids, supporting their health and development.


In summary, whey protein concentrates are versatile products with a wide range of applications that are in high demand among food manufacturers and individual consumers alike. Depending on their protein content, WPC can perform a variety of functions – from enriching the nutritional value of food products to supporting the health and recovery of athletes.

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Whey Protein Concentrate 80
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