Native Tapioca Starch

Native Tapioca Starch is in the form of a tasteless white powder. It is obtained from the cassava root by crushing, drying and grinding the tubers.

Native Tapioca Starch
1030 EUR/MT
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Notowania (cena)

Central Europe (EUR)
3 miesiące
1 rok
3 lata
Prices subject to final confirmation. Indications made for EXW Central Europe.*

Aspekty techniczne

Native Tapioca Starch comes in the form of a tasteless white powder. It is obtained from cassava root by crushing, drying and grinding the tubers.

Native Tapioca Starch has a high water-binding capacity. It can be cooked for a long time without dissolving. In addition, foods made with this starch do not lose consistency even after freezing or reheating, as tapioca retains its thickening properties during these processes. Native Tapioca Starch is known for its excellent texture and its ability to regulate moisture and increase the volume of the final product. Because it does not affect flavor, it is widely used in the food industry for gels and to thicken foods. Native Tapioca Starch is also able to stabilize emulsions.

Physical and chemical characteristics Value
Appearance White powder
pH 4.5-7.0
Moisture max (%) 13.0
Ash max (%) 0.2
Whiteness min (%) 90.0
SO2 max (mg/kg) 10.0
Viscosity min (BU) 650.0
Total bacterial count max (cfu/g) 10 000
Salmonella, in 25 g Absent
Yeasts max (cfu/g) 100
Moulds max (cfu/g) 100
E. coli, in 0.1 g Absent
Coliform bacteria, in 0.1 g Absent
Pobierz specyfikacje

Okres przydatności

The storage period of Native Tapioca Starch is 24 months. It should be stored in a clean and dry place at room temperature, away from materials with unpleasant odors.


Foodcom S.A. supplies its Business Partners with Native Tapioca Starch in 25 kg, Big Bags and in bulk.


Native Tapioca Starch is mainly used in the food industry. It is added to sauces, dressings, soups, fillings and dairy products as a thickening agent and to increase the viscosity of the final product. Native Tapioca Starch is also used in beverages as an ingredient in starch-based sweeteners. In the confectionery industry, it is valued for its gelling and texture-stabilizing properties.

Native Tapioca Starch is used as a bulking agent in animal feed mixtures. It is also a source of energy, valuable vitamins and minerals.

In the pharmaceutical industry, Native Tapioca Starch is used as a binder and filler in the production of tablets. It also adds viscosity to cosmetic products and changes the final consistency and density. Native Tapioca Starch also provides a matting effect in various cosmetic products.

Native Tapioca Starch is also used in the production of adhesives because of its binding properties. Due to its whiteness and viscosity, it is also used in the manufacture of paper. It increases its strength and provides a smooth surface.

Minimalne zamówienie
5 MT
Alternatywne nazwy
tapioca cassava starch, manioc starch, yuca starch

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Payment is made after contacting our representative to arrange the details of the order.
We offer two options for delivery – personal collection of the product from our warehouse or commissioning transport.
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We provide the possibility to reserve the product at the price indicated on the website.

After paying 10% of the order value, the product will be reserved for a period of 3 days. After that, the remaining amount must be paid.
You can pick up the purchased product in one of our warehouses or let us organize the transport.
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The payment terms will be determined during the business negotiations.
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