
Beta-Alanine is an endogenous amino acid that is naturally produced during the synthesis of other proteins in the human body. It can be supplied to the body through food, especially the consumption of animal products, or through dietary supplements. Beta-Alanine, together with histidine, forms carnosine in muscles. This amino acid is very popular among athletes, as it increases the body’s performance and helps build muscle mass.

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Aspekty techniczne

Beta-Alanine is in the form of an odorless granule of white color. It is soluble in water. The main function of Beta-Alanine is to stimulate the production of carnosine in the muscles, thus counteracting the formation of lactic acid, which is responsible for muscle soreness after exercise. It also reduces the feeling of fatigue and muscle soreness after exercise. Carnosine is an antioxidant and can help eliminate excess metals from the human body.

Physical Characteristics Value
Assay 98 – 100%
Melting Point 200 – 205°C at 760 mm Hg
Boiling Point 237 – 238°C at 760 mm Hg
pH 7
Vapor Pressure 0.0156 mm/Hg at 25°C
Flash Point > 230°F TCC
LogP (o/w) -0.86
Pobierz specyfikacje

Okres przydatności

The shelf life of Beta-Alanine is 2 years. Store the product in a dry, cool place.


Foodcom S.A. offers Beta-Alanine in 25 kg bags and Big Bags.


Beta-Alanine is mainly used as a dietary supplement for athletes who specialize in high-intensity physical activities. Dietary supplementation with Beta-Alanine is recommended when natural production of Beta-Alanine is insufficient or when dietary intake is too low.

Beta-Alanine is also useful in pharmacy, as it contributes to the formation of carnosine, which belongs to the group of neurotransmitters and neuromodulators. They enable the proper functioning of the nervous system. Studies have shown that Beta-Alanine has a positive effect on improving cognitive abilities and reducing stress in humans. Carnosine may also help in the treatment of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.

Minimalne zamówienie
1 MT
Wzór chemiczny
Alternatywne nazwy
L-enantiomer of alanine, 3-aminopropanoic acid, C3H7NO2

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