Will current deficits and drought threaten the cocoa harvest again? [World News]

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Will current deficits and drought threaten the cocoa harvest again? [World News]
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  • West Africa is experiencing a dry spell with below-average rainfall.
  • Continued unfavourable conditions could jeopardise the cocoa harvest for another consecutive season.
  • Ghana is struggling with a shortage of cocoa from the previous season, resulting in a large amount of supply being delayed.

Drought threatens cocoa crop for fourth consecutive season

The world’s two largest cocoa producers, Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana, are struggling with inadequate yields. Declining yields have been recorded for the past three years, but last season the cocoa quantities obtained were at a record low. This is due to climate change, diseases attacking cocoa plants and political aspects.

In most cocoa-growing regions of Côte d’Ivoire, last week’s rainfall was insufficient to achieve a satisfactory harvest between September and April. Moisture is needed for cocoa flowers to develop pods that produce beans. In addition, the lack of rain can weaken the trees and dry out the leaves. If drought conditions persist, the harvest volume for the season may again be insufficient.

Ghana postpones cocoa supply to next season

Ghana’s cocoa production last season, 2023/2024, fell to its lowest level in 20 years. It was already announced in June that up to 350,000 tonnes of cocoa supplies would be delayed and postponed until next season due to the poor harvest. On Monday, the government announced that the postponement would be as much as 370,000 tonnes. It is also said that Cocobud, the organisation that manages the cocoa trade in Ghana, has been forced to take out an $800 million loan to purchase the beans, which it is unable to repay.

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