GMP+: what is it?

GMP+ stands for “Good Manufacturing Practice Plus”. It is an internationally recognized certification scheme focused on ensuring feed safety and quality throughout the entire supply chain. The “+” in GMP+ indicates the integration of HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) principles, which are vital for risk assessment and management in food and feed production. With GMP+ certification, companies demonstrate their commitment to producing safe and high-quality feed products, adhering to both local and global regulatory standards.

Most common questions

1. Why is GMP+ crucial in the feed industry?

GMP+ is vital because it establishes stringent guidelines to ensure feed safety and quality. As feed directly influences the health and well-being of livestock, and consequently, the safety of food products derived from them, it is imperative to maintain the highest standards. GMP+ certification assures that companies follow best practices in feed production, handling, and distribution.

2. How does GMP+ differ from standard GMP?

While GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) sets the foundational standards for product quality and safety, GMP+ goes a step further by integrating HACCP principles. This means GMP+ not only focuses on end-product quality but also systematically identifies, evaluates, and controls potential hazards throughout the feed production process.

3. What are the core components of GMP+?

The GMP+ Feed Certification scheme consists of various components, including requirements for the quality management system, application of HACCP principles, and specific conditions related to production facilities, personnel, processes, and products. It also encompasses conditions for traceability, monitoring, and continuous improvement.

4. How does Foodcom S.A. ensure adherence to GMP+ standards?

Foodcom S.A. places paramount importance on quality and safety. The company ensures that its suppliers and partners are GMP+ certified or adhere to equivalent stringent standards. Regular audits, thorough documentation, and continuous monitoring are part of Foodcom S.A.’s approach to guarantee the integrity of products in its portfolio.

5. Are there benefits for companies obtaining GMP+ certification?

Absolutely! Beyond the primary goal of ensuring feed safety, GMP+ certification can offer companies competitive advantages. It can enhance market access, foster trust among clients and partners, and reduce potential legal and financial risks associated with feed-related incidents. The certification also emphasizes a company’s commitment to global best practices and continuous improvement.