Xylitol (E967)

Xylitol is an organic chemical compound that is a reduced xylose derivative. The product has a sweet taste and is therefore used as a healthy sugar substitute. It occurs naturally in some fruits such as plums, strawberries, blueberries and raspberries. It is usually industrially extracted – either by reducing xylose or obtained with the yeast Candida guilliermondii.
Xylitol is also called birch sugar because historically it was extracted from birch trees. The number of this raw material in the European Union is E967.

3520 EUR/MT
Zapytaj o produkt
Aspekty techniczne
Okres przydatności
Polecane produkty

Notowania (cena)

Central Europe (EUR)
3 miesiące
1 rok
3 lata
Prices subject to final confirmation. Indications made for EXW Central Europe.*

Aspekty techniczne

Xylitol (E967) is a white crystalline powder that is practically odorless. It is very soluble in water and slightly soluble in ethanol. Xylitol has a low glycemic index and is lower in calories than sugar, so it can be used in the manufacture of diabetic and low-calorie foods. Although it has a sweet taste, it has anti-corrosive properties. When ingested, it causes a cooling effect in the mouth, which is used in making chewing gum, mouthwashes and mints. When added to jellies or jams, Xylitol reduces the gelling power of gelling agents. It is also heat resistant, does not lose its properties during heat treatment and does not caramelize.

Physical and chemical properties Value
Color White
pH 5-7
Chlorides < 50 mg/kg
Sulfates < 50 mg/kg
Heavy metals As < 0.5 mg/kg, Pb < 0.5 mg/kg, Ni < 1.0 mg/kg
Purity (on dry basis) 98.5-101.0%
Other polyols < 0.1%
Loss on drying < 0.5%
Melting temperature 92-96°C
Reducing sugars < 0.2%
Allergens The product does not contain substances or products causing allergies or intolerances in accordance with Regulation (EU) No. 1169/20211
Shelf life 3 years
Product description Natural sugar substitute
Pobierz specyfikacje

Okres przydatności

The shelf life of Xylitol is two years.


Foodcom supplies its Business Partners with Xylitol in 25 kg bags.


Xylitol is used as a sugar substitute. It is used in the food industry and can be found as sweetener E967 in candies, chocolate, chewing gum and diet desserts. Due to its low calorie content, it is also added to diet products with reduced sugar content, such as dairy products, jams, jellies, ice cream and baked goods.
In the confectionery industry, Xylitol is added to cakes because it does not lose its properties at high temperatures.
It is also a sweetener in medicines, dietary supplements, toothpaste and other oral hygiene products.
E967 has little effect on blood sugar levels and is therefore used as an ingredient in products for diabetics and low-calorie products.

Minimalne zamówienie
5 MT
Wzór chemiczny
Alternatywne nazwy
birch sugar, xylitol, E967

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We offer two options for delivery – personal collection of the product from our warehouse or commissioning transport.
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We provide the possibility to reserve the product at the price indicated on the website.

After paying 10% of the order value, the product will be reserved for a period of 3 days. After that, the remaining amount must be paid.
You can pick up the purchased product in one of our warehouses or let us organize the transport.
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The payment terms will be determined during the business negotiations.
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