Wellbeing at work – the road to team success

Foodcom Experts
4 min reading
Wellbeing at work – the road to team success
Table of contents
  • Wellbeing in the workplace includes not only health programmes, but also psychological support and flexible working hours.
  • Satisfied employees are more committed and loyal, which translates into better company performance.
  • Organising wellbeing days and promoting healthy lifestyles strengthens team relationships and supports employee health.
  • Work-life balance is a key element of wellbeing and achieving it requires a conscious approach to managing time and responsibilities.

Wellbeing, i.e. the physical, mental and emotional wellbeing of employees, affects not only their job satisfaction, but also their productivity, commitment and creativity. Creating a culture based on harmony and wellbeing is an indispensable part of a management strategy. Satisfied and healthy employees are the foundation of any effective team. Find out how caring for wellbeing at work can become a pathway to company success.

The importance of wellbeing at work

Wellbeing in the workplace is more than just providing access to health programmes or an office gym. It’s a holistic approach that includes flexible working hours, psychological support, opportunities for professional and personal development, space to relax, and access to health-promoting initiatives both inside and outside of work.

Employees who participate in wellbeing programmes experience greater job satisfaction and report a reduction in sick days. Such activities also contribute to increased productivity and generate more income per employee.

Employee wellbeing – how does it affect the functioning of the company?

Company wellbeing, plays an important role in modern organisations. It is not only a benefit for employees, but also an important factor in the success of the entire team. When employees feel valued, supported and have access to resources that promote their physical and mental health, they are more engaged, motivated and loyal to their employer. As a result, companies with a strong focus on the wellbeing of their employees report better financial performance and enjoy greater long-term sustainability.

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How do you create a work wellbeing culture?

Every company is different, so the needs of employees may vary. Regular surveys, questionnaires and open conversations will help identify areas where they need support. General measures to consider in the workplace include:

  • flexibility – i.e. allowing employees to adjust their working hours to fit in with their personal responsibilities, as well as the option to work remotely, which helps with work-life balance,
  • introducing programmes to promote a healthy diet, physical activity and regular preventive screenings,
  • providing access to psychological support – allowing employees to take care of their health in the workplace,
  • relaxation areas in offices – rest rooms, meditation rooms or quiet workspaces, provide space to recuperate during the day. Moreover, they are the easiest way for an employee to cope with stress at work,
  • support for skills and career development – access to and funding for training, courses and promotion opportunities.

How do you create a work wellbeing culture?

Wellbeing day – interesting initiatives

Organising a wellbeing day at your company is a great opportunity to take care of your employees’ wellbeing, promote health and strengthen relationships within your team. Here are some inspirations that can be implemented during such an event:

  • mindfulness and meditation workshops – will help reduce stress with appropriate relaxation techniques,
  • health consultations – inviting specialists such as nutritionists, physiotherapists or psychologists for individual consultations is an excellent way to promote physical and mental health,
  • physical activity – organising joint sports activities such as yoga on grass, group running or boxing day will encourage employees to move and integrate,
  • motivational and development meetings – these can cover topics ranging from stress management to developing interpersonal skills,
  • creative workshops – painting or ceramics classes provide a break from everyday duties and develop creativity.

Wellbeing and work-life balance – how to achieve harmony?

In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining a balance between work and personal life is increasingly challenging. This is why wellbeing plays an important role in achieving harmony between the two spheres.

The first step that contributes to work-life balance is a clear separation of work and private time. Setting times when you finish work and do not engage in work-related matters is fundamental. Working remotely or flexible hours makes it easier to combine work and personal responsibilities.

Wellbeing and work-life balance - how to achieve harmony?
Another issue is effective time management – planning your day, prioritising and delegating tasks are tools that will help you better organise your daily routine. It is also worth remembering to take breaks and recuperate during the working day.

A supportive atmosphere at work and time spent with loved ones outside of work promote harmony and mental well-being. Employers should promote healthy relationships by organising team-building events or family days.

Wellbeing at work requires a conscious approach and commitment from both employees and employers. With the right tools and practices, it is possible to build an environment that supports a full and balanced life, both professionally and personally.

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