Good communication at work – what should it look like?

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5 min reading
Good communication at work – what should it look like?
Table of contents
  • Good communication at work improves team and organisational effectiveness.
  • The key elements are clarity of message, active listening and adapting the style of conversation to the recipient.
  • Regular feedback helps avoid misunderstandings and supports staff development.
  • Eliminating communication barriers builds trust and promotes team goals.

Good communication at work is an important factor for the success of an organisation. It affects the efficiency of the team, but also the atmosphere and the commitment of employees. In times of remote working, the ability to communicate clearly and effectively becomes even more important. This article will address the question ‘how to communicate effectively?’ in the workplace and what tools and techniques can help improve it.

Why is communication so important?

Communication in an organisation helps to build an effective and well-organised team. It is what allows you to clearly communicate information, eliminate misunderstandings and work together towards your goals. Good communication at work promotes better cooperation, strengthens trust between employees and enables problems to be solved efficiently. This makes company processes and projects run more smoothly and according to plan. A lack of proper communication can lead to frustration, chaos and a drop in productivity, which has a negative impact on the organisation as a whole.

Good workplace communication: what should it include?

Good communication in the workplace is an important soft skill and should be based on several elements. The simplicity of the information communicated is important; employees need to know what is expected of them in order to carry out tasks effectively. Communication skills also include active listening. This allows for a better exchange of opinions and ideas, should be two-way, and all employees and supervisors should feel free to express their opinions. It is equally important to adapt the style of conversation to the recipient. You should talk differently to your teammates and differently to your supervisor or client.

How do you build effective communication at work? Key principles

How do you build effective communication at work? Key principles

To create effective communication at work it is important to follow good communication practice. Firstly, it is important that the message is clear, try to speak in a simple and understandable way without ambiguity. Also important is active listening, which involves focusing fully on the interviewee, asking questions and confirming that you understand them well. The next element is to adapt the form of communication to the recipient; a different conversational style will be appropriate when talking to a superior and another with teammates. Giving and receiving feedback regularly helps to improve working relationships. Applying the principles of good communication is key to effective collaboration in any professional environment.

We recommend reading this article: Teamwork – what are its benefits?

Barriers to communication at work and how to overcome them?

Barriers to communication at work can seriously impair collaboration, lead to misunderstandings and even reduce team effectiveness. They can originate from cultural differences, technological problems, lack of clarity of speech or insufficient feedback. It is worth noting the principles of good communication that will help overcome these barriers, strive for straightforward statements, actively listen and show empathy in your interactions with others. Open communication within the team and understanding the needs of colleagues minimises the risk of barriers. As a result, the team functions more effectively and the working atmosphere promotes better results.

The 10 most common communication mistakes and how to avoid them at work

Good communication at work is the foundation of a smoothly functioning team. In every organisation, mistakes happen that cause conflict. The key to avoiding them is to be aware of them. Below you will find the 10 most common mistakes:

Lack of clarity in communication

Messages that are too general or imprecise lead to misunderstandings. To avoid this problem be clear and specific.

Failure to adapt communication to the recipient

Not every employee understands information in the same way. It is important to adapt the way you communicate to the interviewee.

Interrupting the interlocutor

Not letting the other person finish speaking shows a lack of respect for the other person. Listen actively and allow others to express their thoughts, you will be better perceived among colleagues.

Excessive use of jargon

Overly complicated language can be incomprehensible to others. Try to speak in as simple a language as possible, you will avoid unnecessary misunderstandings. This will make your communication more effective and your audience will understand your message more easily

Postpone important conversations

Avoid difficult topics; it’s a good idea to discuss them right away before they turn into bigger problems. Identify what needs to be discussed immediately to avoid escalating conflict and ensure communication flows smoothly.

Communication only by e-mail

Not everything can be discussed via email. For more complex topics, rely on a face-to-face meeting. This form of communication allows for a better understanding of intentions and provides the opportunity to resolve issues more quickly.

Lack of feedback

Without feedback, the team may not know what it is doing well and what needs improvement. Provide regular feedback. By doing so, you will support the team’s development and keep its performance high.

Monologue instead of dialogue

Communication is a two-way process. Instead of just talking, engage the other party in conversation. Active listening and asking questions will help you to better understand your interlocutor’s perspective and develop solutions together.

Responding late

Delaying a response can be perceived as disrespectful or disinterested. Try to respond to messages as soon as possible. By doing so, you will show that you value the other person’s time and commitment, which will have a positive impact on the relationship.

Lack of emotional intelligence

It is important to remain calm and empathetic in difficult situations, this can have a negative impact on creativity at work. Develop the ability to manage your emotions to avoid conflict and foster a harmonious atmosphere that encourages creative thinking.

The 10 most common communication mistakes and how to avoid them at work


Good communication within a company is a very important element of team and organisational effectiveness, conditioning its success. Clear communication avoids misunderstandings and builds trust and commitment among employees. In times of remote working, it becomes even more important, based on active listening, clarity of message and adaptation of the conversation style to the recipient, regular feedback and openness to the needs of employees. Communication barriers, such as cultural or technological differences, negatively affect collaboration.

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