Do the rains in Brazil offer hope for coffee farmers? [World News]

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Do the rains in Brazil offer hope for coffee farmers? [World News]
Table of contents
  • The intensified drought in Brazil has caused a significant reduction in coffee production this year.
  • The damaged coffee plants need time and the right conditions to recover.
  • The rains have returned to Brazil, but it is still uncertain whether the plants will recover enough to produce the expected yield next season.
  • The year 2025 will be another challenge for the global coffee market.

Record drought devastates coffee crop in Brazil

A record drought affected the coffee-growing areas of Brazil this year. Farmers have tried various ways to save the crop. Many have decided to prune the trees to stimulate regeneration, but this will result in a lack of fruit production in 2025. Even those growers who used plant irrigation systems suffered, as access to water was severely restricted. The unfavourable weather conditions caused a lot of damage and reduced yields, which in turn resulted in a significant jump in the price of the product. Many coffee suppliers have had to change the blends they offer to those containing lower quality coffee. This could have a significant negative impact on the global coffee market, which has already suffered in recent years.

Hope for coffee – the return of the rains

Although the rains have finally arrived in Brazil, opinions are divided on their positive impact on the crop. Growers believe that the rains came too late, which means that the plants will not have time to recover fully before the next harvest. Also, experts say that the dried-out plants will use energy to produce the lost leaves rather than flowers and fruit. So we can expect lower coffee yields again in 2025 . Some growers estimate that they will not produce any more than they did this year. Some market analysts are more optimistic, hoping for the return of the rains and a quick recovery of the plants, resulting in only slightly lowered coffee production forecasts for 2025. However, all agree that demand for coffee next year will still be higher than supply.

We recommend reading the article : “Coffee cultivation and production – from bean to cup

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