27th Edition of Foodcom ADDITIVES Newsletter

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27th Edition of Foodcom ADDITIVES Newsletter
Fertilizers and herbicides are two issues of particular concern in the additive market today. There are many new state and regional regulations that restrict herbicide use, which pleases activists (and probably the environment…) but deeply concerns farmers and processors. Currently, it seems that weeds are benefiting the most from these quarrels. 

When it comes to fertilizers, manufacturers are facing tough times. Their prices have risen significantly in recent months after sanctions were imposed on the main producers, Russia and Belarus. At the same time, electricity prices have also risen. As a result, farmers have been forced to reduce the use of fertilizers, which is reflected in a decline in demand. There is no doubt that the coming period will be full of challenges, albeit more for farmers than for fertilizer manufacturers – after all, the former will eventually have to buy fertilizers, right? 

What else is worth knowing about what’s happening in the additive market? Read on and you will find out!

Vitamin C

Activity in the Chinese vitamin market has increased after the end of the vacation season. Vitamin C continues to be in high demand in many regions due to the ongoing cold season. During this period, the intake of this vitamin increases seasonally every year, and the increased consumer interest leads to busier traffic in the commodity market.

Citric Acid

The main challenges in both the production and distribution of Citric Acid are reverberations of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russian-Ukrainian war. The raw material is now in relatively high demand, and its price has recently increased. Experts predict further development of the market for this raw material and an increase in its importance worldwide.

Xanthan Gum

Xanthan Gum has been in high demand for a long time. Its prices remain relatively stable at a high level. Recently, prices have continued to rise. Xanthan Gum owes its great popularity primarily to its wide range of applications in the food, cosmetic, medical and other industries.

Lysine HCL

Lysine prices were recently at a low level, which the more negative observers even talked about ‚rock bottom.‘ At the same time, experts point out that soon there should be an upturn and price increases. In the last two weeks, there has been some movement in the Lysine market again. Orders for Q2 and Q3 2023 have surfaced.

Ferric Chloride 40%

One of the few commodities in the category of additives whose price has fallen recently. However, one should not be too concerned about a possible decrease in demand for this product. It is used in water and wastewater treatment, laboratories, as well as in jewelry manufacturing and medicine, among others. The wide range of applications in various fields leads us to believe that both the popularity and market size of Ferric Chloride will grow in the coming years.
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