161st Edition of Foodcom DAIRY Newsletter

Foodcom Experts
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161st Edition of Foodcom DAIRY Newsletter
Congratulations! What have you achieved, you ask? Couple days ago was the infamous Blue Monday, and since you are reading these lines, it means that it probably was not that bad and that you managed to visit our website today, which was not necessarily easy.

Some might have expected the dairy market to already be back in high gear after the holiday slowdown, but that’s not the case. For many products, the situation has not changed much since last week, and only some of them have seen a price correction. Of course, this does not mean that nothing happened. Check out what is worth knowing about the events of the last week!

Skimmed Milk Powder

Sales of Skimmed Milk Powder were also observed in the market during the holidays, but are not yet sufficient to record major changes or buyers committing towards volumes for H1 covering. Sales do happen due to the fact that cheaper milk is available in various countries. However, in some parts of the European Union the decrease is not so strong, and the surplus is still not so large.


We have seen that the prices of Butter follow the trend of Cream and also products become cheaper where the milk flows well and has to be accommodated in something, this time it is for Butter. There is currently no demand for large volumes from buyers, and people prefer to buy on a spot basis rather than standard quarterly or annual bookings. We are also hearing rumors that cold stores are still being used up on Butter slots and whoever has to liquidate the stocks – are at present searching for sales within. 


The comparison of prices for AMF can be observed in the market in different geographical areas. While prices in Germany/Belgium/France/Spain tend to be on the high end, in the CEE region they tend to be on the low end, making it difficult to price this product and even more difficult to sell it to buyers willing to commit to spot volumes which don’t exceed a full load. It is important to remember that Easter production for pastries is just around the corner, so that market demand will probably pick up soon.


Prices continue to drop from week to week. Producers are desperately looking for sales in Mozzarella, Edam/Gouda and other cheeses, as production forecasts must be met, but no sales are materializing. Compared to the big players from Germany and the Netherlands, other countries have the flip side of the coin when it comes to cheese and have not yet followed the trend of lowering prices, and we see significant differences in prices for similar products in other parts of the continent.


In some regions, Cream has decreased slightly in the past week, while in others it has remained stable. Post-vacation production has already begun, and interest in this commodity has increased after the holiday slowdown.

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