
L-Valine is an essential amino acid belonging to the branched-chain amino acid group, together with isoleucine and leucine. It is a key component of proteins, playing an important role in protein synthesis and energy metabolism. L-Valine supports muscle growth and regeneration, and helps maintain a healthy nervous and immune system. Due to its properties, L-Valine is commonly used as a dietary supplement for athletes and as a feed additive in animal husbandry to improve the quality of dietary protein and support optimal growth and development.

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Aspekty techniczne
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Aspekty techniczne

L-Valine is an essential amino acid and belongs, together with isoleucine and leucine, to the group of branched-chain amino acids. L-Valine, offered by Foodcom S.A., is a highly purified amino acid produced by fermentation with L-valine content of at least 98% on dry matter basis. Valine has the chemical formula C₅H₁₁NO₂, a molecular weight of 117.15, and is an L (levo-rotatory) isomer. It is characterized by high purity (minimum 98%) and low moisture content (maximum 1.5%). It is soluble in water at a concentration of 5.30 to 5.70 g/100 g water at 20°C, and its melting/decomposition point is 298°C.

Pobierz specyfikacje

Okres przydatności

The product is stable for at least 2 years if stored under recommended conditions.


L-Valine is packaged in 25 kg Kraft paper bags with a single-layer P.E. liner, 500 kg PP woven bags with P.E. liner, and 800 kg PP woven bags with P.E. liner.


L-Valine is widely used in animal nutrition, particularly in protein-reduced diets. It is a limiting amino acid, especially important in pig nutrition, following lysine, threonine, methionine, and tryptophan. Adding valine to the diets of growing pigs allows for the full growth potential of modern high-performance pig genetics with their high requirements for protein quality, contributing to reduced nitrogen emissions. Valine is also a key component in poultry feed, ensuring optimal growth and development. Due to its properties, L-Valine is an essential feed ingredient in modern agriculture, supporting animal health and performance.

Minimalne zamówienie
1 MT
Wzór chemiczny
Alternatywne nazwy
(S)-2-Aminopentanoic acid, 2-Aminopentanoic acid, . L-2-Aminopentanoic acid, L-α-Aminopentanoic acid, L-Val

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