Emmental cheese

Emmental cheese is an excellent semi-hard ripened cheese made from pasteurised cow’s milk. It is characterised by a mild, nutty flavour, which develops a deeper sharpness with time, and a natural, elastic texture. Foodcom S.A. offers cheese as a versatile ingredient in food production, guaranteeing reliability and repeatability in the production of the highest quality dairy products.

Zapytaj o produkt
Aspekty techniczne
Okres przydatności
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Aspekty techniczne

Emmental is a semi-hard cheese with an intense, nutty flavour with a hint of sweetness. Its flavour profile is characteristically rich, with delicate accents of acidity that balance the whole. The cheese is characterised by large, regular eyes, which are formed as a result of the maturing process, giving it a distinctive appearance. The texture of Emmental is smooth, elastic and slightly springy. The colour of the cheese is pale yellow and the rind is natural, thin and usually slightly darker than the flesh. Below you will find detailed technical parameters, including moisture content, fat content and other important characteristics that ensure reproducible quality and product safety.

Parameter Value
Humidity Max. 45% for full-fat cheese, 46% for light cheese
Fat content 19±2% for light cheese
Fat in dry matter Min. 43%
Salt content Max. 2.5%
Lead 0.02 mg/kg in milk, in accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) 2023/915
Mercury 0.01 mg/kg in milk, in accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/173
Aflatoxin M1 0.050 µg/kg in milk, in accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) 2023/915
Radionuclides 1000 Bq/kg in milk, in accordance with Council Regulation 2016/52
Chlorate 0.1 mg/kg in milk, in accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) 2020/749
Pesticides In accordance with Regulation (EC) No 396/2005
Pobierz specyfikacje

Okres przydatności

The minimum shelf life is 5 months for full-fat cheese and 6 months for light cheese, provided it is stored at 0-8°C. Once opened, the product should be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 7 days.


The product is offered in a variety of packaging forms, providing flexibility to suit customers’ needs. Standard options include blocks of approximately 16 kg, 4 kg and 2 kg, packaged in plastic wrap. Cubes and slices can also be supplied, which are packaged in a protective atmosphere. The bulk packaging – cartons – are protected by stretch film for stability in transit.


Emmental cheese is a versatile product that is used in various segments of the food industry. It is ideal for direct consumption, as an addition to sandwiches, salads, pizzas and also as an ingredient in ready meals. Thanks to its elastic texture and distinctive flavour, Emmental cheese is also a popular choice in food processing, where it can be used as an ingredient in fillings and finished products.

Minimalne zamówienie
10 MT

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