How do you start a career in trading and become a successful trader?

Kinga Wiśniewska
6 min reading
How do you start a career in trading and become a successful trader?
Table of contents
  • Starting a career in commerce requires choosing an industry of interest and understanding the specifics of B2B or B2C sales.
  • Success in sales depends on in-depth product knowledge, the ability to manage your time, keep your promises and monitor your own performance.
  • The key to long-term success is to continually improve your skills through training, courses, using new technology and keeping up with market trends

Working in commerce can be a source of satisfaction as well as high earnings. In achieving success, much depends on the individual approach and commitment of the employee. What also counts is determination, the desire to develop and following a few rules on how to become a successful trader. Find out where to start as a trader and what to do to become successful in this industry.

A career in commerce – how to get started?

When considering how to start a career in commerce, the basis is to choose an industry. It should be an area that the candidate is interested in and has at least a minimal understanding of. The type of customer is also important (B2B and B2C sales will be different) and the form of sales.

Before applying for a specific position, it is good to know a little about the industry and the most important activities and phenomena that a sales person encounters on a daily basis. It is useful to know what the sales process is and what you need to know about the specifics of your chosen industry. You should be familiar with the concept of prospecting and the various sales methods. Knowledge of a foreign language would be a valuable asset.

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cBeginning work in commerce, it is better to aim for lower-level positions related to the support of sales professionals. In this way, you can learn the profession from the practical side and learn many valuable ins and outs of the job. This will enable you to achieve promotion relatively quickly.

Getting started in sales will also be much easier if you take care to build up your network of contacts and your own professional image. For first-time traders, portals such as LinkedIn, Facebook and industry websites can be extremely useful. Sending out your CV to HR companies or attending job fairs and conferences can also yield good results.

What qualities should a successful trader possess?

A good sales person who achieves good professional results can be someone who already has experience in the industry as well as a novice salesperson. What qualities does an employee in sales need to have in order to be effective and successful? The basic aspects for achieving the desired goals can be successfully developed. It is worth remembering a few principles, such as:

  • comprehensive knowledge of the product or service – one of the most important aspects in the work of a good salesman is thorough knowledge of the product that is being sold. This enables a factual and creative presentation of the offer to the potential buyer, as well as answering possible questions about the goods or service more quickly and accurately. With excellent knowledge of the products being sold, it will also be easier to dispel the consumer’s doubts and turn any disadvantages into potential opportunities or replace them with other advantages.
  • Prioritising – a salesman’s tasks are several types of activities that fill the salesperson’s time. To become a successful employee, you need to learn to manage your own time in a practical way and determine how much time is needed for a given task and which tasks should be completed first. It is better, for example, to spend time with a few customers clearly interested in buying slightly cheaper goods than to spend time convincing someone who is unlikely to be willing to take up the offer to buy something more expensive.
  • Keeping promises – an effective salesman should build customer confidence based on presenting the products on offer truthfully and with real features. Promising a buyer that something will work under certain conditions, when in reality this is not possible and will damage the equipment, will destroy trust in the salesperson as well as the company, bringing with it a range of negative feedback and a drop in sales.
    ending the meeting with a declaration – each stage of sales negotiations should end with an appointment for another meeting, e.g. for a product test or a date to use the demo version. It is important that the individual sales activities are the next steps towards the final completion of the sale.
  • Monitoring one’s own work – the qualities of a good salesman also include analysis of one’s own performance and effectiveness. It is a good idea to keep personal statistics including the number of customers acquired, products and services sold, sales generated or sales value. It is also a good idea to create a list of products that are more and less challenging to sell. It is particularly worth highlighting the successes you have had, which will have a positive effect on your motivation.

A career in retail – how to succeed and what to keep in mind?

Kariera w handlu – jak osiągnąć sukces i o czym pamiętać?

Following the above principles is the basis for achieving good results and reaching sales targets. However, those who want to climb the sales career ladder must remember that it is not enough to rest on one’s laurels. The sales industry, like many others, requires up-to-date knowledge and self-development – not only in terms of learning about new products, but also improvements to existing products.

The answer to the question of how to make a career in trading is continuous professional development by attending training courses, traders’ workshops or industry courses. Podcasts and webinars are also useful. It is also worth making use of new technologies and gadgets that can facilitate the presentation of products and thus give the impression of being perfectly prepared in every way. In addition, companies’ expectations of salespeople are changing, as are customers’ requirements. In order to sell effectively and make a profit, it is necessary to keep up with current trends.

A successful trader should also take care of their rest and recuperation. Getting enough sleep is fundamental, which will aid creativity and productivity. In addition to the tasks assigned by superiors, it is also good to set one’s own goals. Pursuing them not only motivates, but is also a real source of satisfaction.

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