What else? 27th Edition of Foodcom ADDITIVES Newsletter

Foodcom Experts
7 min czytania
What else? 27th Edition of Foodcom ADDITIVES Newsletter


Evonik representatives expect methionine relief

The last quarter of 2022 was a headache for Evonik because of falling prices for methionine, whose production costs remained relatively high. However, according to company representatives, the future looks bright, mainly thanks to falling gas prices. Cheap gas is the dream of many today, it’s hard to argue with that.

Next year, a huge plant will be built in Spain to produce… mealworms

Tebrio, a Spanish company that produces insect proteins, has obtained the final necessary licenses and European Union approval to start the huge project. The plant, which specializes in mealworms, is to be built in Salamanca on an area of 90,000 m2. It is expected to produce up to 100,000 tons/year. So, insect proteins are the future?

Bird flu is definitely not just bird flu anymore

Reports have surfaced that an outbreak of so-called avian influenza has been detected in red foxes near Paris. The situation regarding the epidemic of this disease is becoming more and more worrying as it is spreading rapidly, not only among birds. Cases have already been detected in minks in Spain, foxes and otters in the United Kingdom, sea lions in Peru and grizzly bears in the United States and, worst of all, in humans in Cambodia.

The Americas

Brazil asks China to amend the mad cow disease health protocol

The Brazilian government wants to resume beef exports to China in the coming days, and therefore plans to ask for an amendment to the protocol that led to a ban on beef exports. It was introduced after a case of mad cow disease was discovered a few weeks ago. The Brazilian side argues that it would be quite sufficient to ban beef exports from a specific region or state, and a nationwide ban is not necessary.

The Argentine farmers are a little dissatisfied

Just kidding, they are very upset, which is why there were protests a few days ago. The reason for the discontent is the ongoing economic collapse as well as the worst drought in 60 years. Farmers believe that the government is not up to the challenges of the difficult situation. They are demanding that those in power adopt less interventionist trade policies and abolish export taxes. Their dissatisfaction is hardly surprising.

The U.S. will tighten regulations on water pollution in meat factories

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency plans to update its regulations on water pollution in slaughterhouses for the first time in nearly two decades. This is not their own idea – they were 'inspired’ by a lawsuit filed by environmental activists who believe the current regulations are inadequate. The problem is serious because wastewater from meat plants can both harm the environment and poison drinking water.

Asia & Oceania

Feed production in Kazakhstan’s Zhetys region is about to increase

Work is underway on several livestock investments in the southeastern Zhetys region of Kazakhstan. These projects include at least four feedlots for dairy and/or beef cattle and a compound feed plant with a capacity of 1,000 tons per year. The aim of the new investments is to support agriculture in the region and improve the situation of its inhabitants.

Indonesia’s biodiesel policy will be crucial for the palm oil market

Indonesia has increased the mandatory blending of palm oil in biodiesel to 35% from February, up from 30% previously. The goal of this change is to reduce diesel imports in the face of high global energy prices and to reduce emissions. These policy decisions, combined with weather anomalies, have led experts to predict a price increase and shortage of palm oil around the world.

Singapore lures producers of lab-grown meat

Singapore allowed the consumption of lab-grown meat two years ago, prompting many companies to move their operations there. However, mass production has not yet begun. The reason for this is mundane: under current circumstances, production costs are very high and often exceed the price of the final product. Apparently, we still have to wait for the lab feast…
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