128th edition of Foodcom DAIRY Newsletter

Dorota Clapa
8 min de lecture
128th edition of Foodcom DAIRY Newsletter
Table des matières
We are now in a festive period, when we already had Easter and now long weekend in May is approaching. Many buyers have either already been on holidays, or are just waiting for them. They did the job and now wait for Q3. It caused an easing on powder prices, which was also noticeable on the last GDT event. However, further decreases should not be a thing. There surely are clients that will buy in May and June. Moreover, prices in all regions – Oceania, Turkey, Latin America are at the similar levels now. What will happen next?


Many markets offer FCMP below Europe, but as the whole milk went up, so will the price. Keep in mind, that as it is more profitable to produce cheese now, there will be less product on the market.

Better monetization in cheeses leads to more whey on the market. This caused prices of SWP to correct. On the flip side, the interest in AWP and NWP is not diminishing, and the product is scarce.


Cheeses went up again. Way up. What is interesting that now mozzarella remains more expensive that Gouda/Edam. Will it last? Star of the week, however, is Cagliata, which is being actively sought after.


Fats continue their upward trend. Polish producers of butter cubes blink at the nondecreasing level of sales in regard of the high prices. If you pay enough, you will get product for Q2, but there is a lack of butter for Q3. Be aware that the interest is rising and there is not much in the warehouses anymore. Most of it was sold to make up for the high price on the market. Private Storage is also a thing of the past, so you have to care for your future yourself. Or rely on us 🙂


Governmental agency in Poland stated that the farm gate milk prices in Poland were 29.7% higher in March 2022 than in previous year. We heard that the situation in other countries is similar, and the milk collection is again lower than year before. If the weather will be hospitable, the conditions will change. But this remains a question that no one can answer. What we know is that right after the Easter break, prices for cream were at the level of 9 EUR, as people coming back to the offices were brought up to the fast decisions. The prices went down, but we have to remember that long weekend is coming. Don’t forget that few UK companies pushed their farm gate prices further up.
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