Plant-Based – what is it?

“Plant-Based” refers to products obtained mainly from plants and playing a fundamental role in various industrial processes. These products form the main ingredients in sectors such as food production, animal nutrition, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, paper and adhesives. They are sustainable and represent an alternative to products from animal sources or synthetic origin. The term covers a range of products such as sugars, oils, proteins, starches and other specific plant-based ingredients.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are plant-based products significant in the industrial sector?

Plant-based products are crucial due to their sustainability, versatility and innovation potential. In the industrial sector, these products are preferred because they often represent an environmentally friendly alternative and reduce the carbon footprint compared to animal or synthetic products. Their wide range of applications, from food to pharmaceuticals, underscores their importance in modern manufacturing and production.

What are the primary categories of plant-based products offered by Foodcom S.A.?

Foodcom S.A. offers a wide range of plant-based products, primarily divided into sugars, oils, proteins, starches and other special ingredients. Each category serves specific purposes and is an integral part of various industries to meet their unique requirements.

How do plant-based products benefit the food and feed industry?

In the food and feed industry, plant-based products serve as basic raw materials and ingredients. These products offer both functional and nutritional benefits. From a functional perspective, they can serve as thickeners, stabilizers, or emulsifiers, improving the texture, shelf life, and overall quality of finished products. From a nutritional point of view, plant products, especially proteins and starches, are of key importance for the supply of essential nutrients, such as proteins for muscle building or sugars for energy supply. Their multifunctional properties and nutritional value make them indispensable in various industrial applications and meet the industry’s need for efficient, high-quality and sustainable solutions.