Combatting the Rise of Bovine TB – Strategies for Farmers in 2023

Foodcom Experts
Combatting the Rise of Bovine TB – Strategies for Farmers in 2023
Table of contents
  • Increase in cases of bovine tuberculosis in 2023.
  • Selection of resistant animals and elimination of older infected ones.
  • Limiting contact of farm animals with wild fauna.

Increase in Bovine Tuberculosis Cases in 2023

Data from the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) indicates an increase in the number of bovine tuberculosis (TB) cases in 2023, with 28,868 test reactions detected compared to 23,337 in the previous year. This rising issue poses a significant challenge for farmers, especially as the tuberculosis eradication program is taking longer than planned.

Genetics and Animal Purchasing

It is recommended to eliminate older individuals from populations previously exposed to tuberculosis and select for breeding those with increased resistance to the disease. Where possible, acquiring new animals should be avoided. If purchase is necessary, it is crucial to thoroughly check the health status and tuberculosis history of the herd from which animals are being bought.

Avoiding Contact with Wild Animals

A key measure is to prevent direct or indirect contact of livestock with wild animals, including securing areas around badger settlements and ensuring that feed storage is resistant to wildlife. This helps reduce the risk of tuberculosis outbreaks in herds.
